
Dragon Ball Deaths

Android 16- -Head is crushed by Cell

Android 17- -Killed when Cell self-destructs, and in the future by Trunks.

Android 18- -killed in the future timeline by Trunks

Android 19- -killed by Vegeta's Big Bang Attack

Android 20- -head is stomped on by #17

Babidi- -head is blown off by Fat Buu

Bardock- -killed when Frieza destroys Planet Vegeta with a humongous energy ball

Bebi- -killed by Super Saiyan 4 Goku

Berter- -neck is crushed by Vegeta

Bibidi- -killed by East Kaioshin

Bubbles- -When Cell self destructs on King Kai's small planet

Bulma- -turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu

Cell- -killed by Gohan's kamehameha

Cell Jr's.- -all killed by Gohan

Chautzu- -killed by Piccolo Daimoha,Nappa,Kid Buu,in the future timeline by the androids.

Chi Chi- -turned into an egg and then smashed by Super Buu

Dabura- -turned into a cookie by Fat Buu

Frieza- -chopped up by Trunks, then blasted into nothing

Gohan- -when Kid Buu blew up the Earth, and was killed by the furture androids.

Gohan (Goku's foster granpa) -stepped on by Oozaru Goku

Goku- -sacrificed himself to save the world and killed by Picollo, Cell, and died of a heart disease.

Goten- -Kid Buu blew up Earth

Gregory- -when Cell self destructs on King Kai's small planet

Guru- -died of stress, then natural causes

Jeice- -killed by Vegeta

Kame- -vanishes when Nappa kills Piccolo, and when Picollo dies in the future

King Kai- -when Cell blows up on his small planet

Korin- -Kid Buu blew up Earth

Krillen- -killed by one of Piccolo Daimoha's henchmen, Friaza, Super Buu, and in the future was kill by androids.

Kui- -killed by Vegeta

Master Roshi- -died trying an attack on Piccolo Daimoha, and turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu

Nappa- -killed by Vegeta

Oolong- -turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu

Piccolo- -protected Gohan from Nappa's attack, Killed by Super Buu, and in the future was killed by the androids.

Piccolo Daimoha- -Goku rips through his chest

Mr. Popo- -eaten by Buu

Puar- -turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu

Radditz- -killed by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon

Recoom- -blasted away by Vegeta

Tien- -killed self with Kikoha when trying to destroy Nappa, and killed by Kid Buu, and the future androids

Trunks- -Killed by Cell, Kid Buu, and in the future was killed by cell again.

Vegeta- -killed by Frieza, buu, and the future androids

Vegeta (King Vegeta) -killed by Frieza

Videl- -turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu

Yajirobe- -when Kid Buu blew up Earth, and in the future timeline was killed by the androids

Yamcha- -a saibamen self destructs on him,turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu, and killed in the future timeline by the androids Zarbon- -killed by Vegeta